January Sermon Series

Event details

  • Saturday | 18/01/2025 to Saturday | 25/01/2025
  • All Day

Join us in person or you can also watch online

January Programme


04 January

Sermon Title: Deep Wells

Speaker: Dr Kirk Thomas

Scripture: Genesis 26:19-22

11 January

Sermon Title: Desert Places

Speaker: Dr Devron Thomas

Scripture: Mark 6:44

18 January

Sermon Title: But When You Pray

Speaker: Pastor Andrew Cudjoe

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:9-13

25 January


Speaker: Sister Sandra Golding


04 January
4:30PM  |  Discovery Bible Study

Venue: Church Sanctuary only

11 January
4:30PM  |  Bible Class: The Applied Bible

These practical Bible studies help us to handle some of life’s challenging times: Death, divorce, separation, broken families, addiction, loneliness, emotional pain, anger management, joblessness and more.

God’s words can still be a light even in the darkest paths. So, come and get the help you need from the Word of God for the situations you’re going through.

Venue: Church Sanctuary only

18 January
4:30PM  |  Discovery Bible Study

Join us to gain the tools to effectively unpack God’s Word, and to be able to teach and equip others to do the same.

Venue: Church Sanctuary only

25 January
4:30PM  |  How to lead a healthier life: body, mind and soul

Join us for an interactive afternoon service. Find out how healthy you are and how we can help you on your health journey through 2025!

Venue: Church Sanctuary