Jane – Part I

By Jenniffer Mann

“I can’t really see outside, but I’m sure someone is sitting on the ground”

I looked up at Jason in a sleepy haze, only half paying attention to what he said. 

“It’s probably Niamh” I said, “she went for a walk up the driveway and dad’s in the garden.”

Jason wondered off back downstairs but 5 minutes later, I heard his hurried footsteps on the ascent.

“I really don’t think it’s Niamh, can you come and take a look?”

“Dad’s in the garden Jay, give him a call.” I was desperate not to deny the soft embrace of sleep, it’s first touch.

“But, I would have to walk past them and it really doesn’t look like Niamh.”

Swallowing my frustration, I rose wearily from the bed and grabbed my glasses with little care for my haphazard appearance.

“Okay don’t worry. Stay here.”

We live in what most Londoners would consider to be ‘the sticks’ – it’s a 40 minute walk to the nearest shop with main shops only accessible by car. The cottage is nestled at the end of a very long drive, surrounded by fields and completely isolated from any other property except our neighbours. Once the sun sets, the exterior is plunged into complete darkness, unless the security lights are activated. 

As I stepped outside, I could make out the faint shape of a figure hunched on the ground but the hysterical sobbing clearly indicated the person was in distress. Any vestiges of sleep immediately disappeared as I felt my heartbeat quicken. I took a tentative step towards the figure on the ground “Are you okay?”  I held my voice steady, belying the slight swell of panic in the pit of my stomach.

The sobbing increased but as the face turned towards me, I realised very quickly the hunched figure was a young female, perhaps no more than 14 years of age. I hurriedly turned right towards the garden calling for my husband, Phil. Hearing the urgency in my voice, Phil and Niamh met me at the garden gate. They had seen a figure walking up the drive but assuming they were a visitor to our neighbour, hadn’t paid much attention. 

As we turned towards the still sobbing girl she lifted her head and accusingly shouted “I said I need help!” Startled by the desperation in her voice I motioned for Jason and Niamh both now curiously watching, to go in the house. Phil crouched down next to the girl but her uncontrollable tears were wrecking her body, rendering her incapable of talking. Niamh came out with a blanket and Phil, in the softest of voices said “We’re not going to harm you, we just want to make you feel safe” and slipped the blanket round her shoulders.

Fighting to get her tears under control, she looked at the concerned faces looking back at her and said “my name is Jane and I’ve run away from home.”

You will need to come back next week to hear more on Jane’s story but consider for a moment how I was upstairs half asleep, Phil and Niamh were in the garden and Jason sensing that something was not right, was trying to rouse me into paying attention. Jason tried to alert me more than once to the potential danger outside but content in my slumber, I neglected to hear the warning.

This is exactly the state that many of us find ourselves in right now. Blissfully unaware that while we’re spiritually sleepwalking through life, Jesus is trying to warn us of impending danger! But we’re so comfortable in our sin, we don’t even realise we have become enslaved. In John 8:34 Jesus warns us, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” If you keep finding yourself facing one challenging situation after another, it could be, that Jesus is trying to get your attention! 

I challenge you this week to really dig deep and ask yourself if Jesus has been sending you warning signs you have been ignoring. Maybe you’re engaging in a reckless, unhealthy lifestyle, spending too much time with the wrong person, neglecting your children, ignoring your spouse, Spending hours on social media, feeding sexual addictions, frittering away money on the wrong things. Whatever it is Jesus is trying to warn you against, don’t harden yourself to hearing or seeing the signs of danger! 

I’m going to end with a passage from Romans 13:11-14 which says: 

“And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So, let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Let’s Pray

Dear Jesus, I know you are calling for me to leave behind my sinful life. Please help me to see the warnings you are using to reach me. Wake me out of my slumber and set me on the path of righteousness that I may live a life of purpose and fulfil the calling you that you have for me. I ask all this in your precious name and the name of no other. Amen. 

This week’s song of encouragement: