Teens’ Day 2022

Event details

  • Saturday | 16/07/2022
  • 10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Theme: I Am Resilient

Is your life a bed of roses? Ours isn’t. The teenagers’ life is one long rollercoaster ride-full of ups and downs, bends, kinks and throw backs along the way. One minute we’re on top of the world, invincible; the next, we plunge so deep, not even a shadow is visible-the euphoria is short-lived.

Yet amid all of life’s challenges – I am resilient

No matter how dark it gets – I am resilient

With Jesus in the driving seat, come what may – I AM RESILIENT


11:30am Worship Service

Message: I Am Resilient

Speaker: Pastor Juan Carlos Patrick (SEC Teens Ministry Director)

What is resilience and why is it important? Resilience is the capacity to adapt well to change, to resist and recover from difficult and challenging life experiences. It is the ability to be happy and successful again after something difficult or bad has happened. Join us as we explore biblical principles that will help you become resilient, overcome obstacles and keep going in the face of adversity.

4:00pm Interactive Workshop

A session lead by Pastor Juan Carlos Patrick, sharing some nuggets of wisdom on how we can build resilience in the times in which we live.