The name ‘Seventh-Day Adventist’ includes vital beliefs for us as a Church.  ‘Adventist’ reflects our passionate conviction in the nearness of the soon return (‘advent’) of Jesus.  ‘Seventh-Day’ refers to the biblical Sabbath which from creation has always been the seventh day of the week or Saturday.

What do Seventh Day Adventist believe?

The Bible is God’s inspired word. (1 Timothy 3:16)
The Godhead consists of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
Salvation is a free gift from God, which we receive through faith. (Ephesians 2:5-8)
Baptism by immersion is a symbol of our death to sin and rising to new life and a union with Christ. (Romans 6:1-6)
Jesus Christ will soon return in person, in a visible manner to redeem his people. (Matthew 24:30)
The seventh day, Saturday, is the Sabbath according to the Ten Commandments from sunset Friday to sunset on Saturday. (Genesis 2:1-3 & Exodus 20:8)
A tithe (10%) of our income is holy and is reserved for the support of the ministry. (Malachi 3:8-12)
The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and is not to be defiled by alcohol, tobacco, drugs or wrong eating habits. (1 Corinthians 3:16)

28 Fundamental beliefs

We also hold 28 fundamental beliefs that can be organized into six categories—the doctrines of God, man, salvation, the church, the Christian life and last day events. In each teaching, God is the architect, who in wisdom, grace and infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.

Find out more here

Our mission

The mission of our church is to:

  • Proclaim the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angels’ message of Revelation 14:6-12 to our members and our community
  • Present Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour
  • Portray the true character of God and the relationship He desires with us
  • Provide an atmosphere for personal Christian growth, service and fellowship
  • Prepare people for Jesus Christ’s soon return