We want to make a lasting difference in your life, in our community and in the world
Croydon is the second most populated borough in London, UK with 385,000 people, and even more importantly, it’s the home to Croydon SDA Church! In a busy town full of people on the move we are sure that you’ll find stability, family and a place to call home right here.
Welcome to Croydon SDA Church – welcome home! We want to make a lasting difference in your life, in our community and in the world by helping and supporting each other in learning more about Jesus and His plan for our lives, as we await His soon return. We believe that God wants to have a relationship with you, and his love can reach you wherever you are. The best way to find out more about our great church is to come and visit us. We can’t wait to meet you!

Our beginnings
Croydon SDA Church can trace back its beginnings to the early 1900s. Throughout the years the Church has used several premises, two of which were in Woodside and Sydenham Road respectively, and in Croydon during the 1960s and 1970s. We moved to our current location in 1978.Seventh-day Adventists have been in Britain since the 1870s. The earliest bases were in Southampton, on Humberside and in Northamptonshire. The Adventist Church was officially organised in Britain in 1902. In 1907 the Church established its headquarters in Stanborough Park, north of Watford, Hertfordshire, which for many decades accommodated the educational, publishing, health and health food institutions of the church. Stanborough Park continues to be the home of the British Union headquarters, the Stanborough Secondary and Junior Schools, and the Adventist Discovery Centre. As British society became more diverse in the last half century, so this diversity has come to be reflected in the membership, ministry and leadership of the Church.
A people connected
Seventh-day Adventists are people who love to be connected. Watch this video to learn how 18 million members worldwide are connected through faith and community.
A People Connected – from The Adventist Church (Official) on Vimeo.