Spiritual Disciplines Series

Event details

  • Saturday | 30/10/2021
  • 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Watch Online or visit Croydon SDA Church, 95 Selhurst Road, South Norwood, London, SE25 6LH

Disciplines needed for healthy spiritual growth

Crisis drives people to take spiritual inventory. After the devastating pandemic and resulting international fallout, many hearts are deeply troubled, wondering what global catastrophe may next happen to shatter our already fragmented, sin-filled planet.  It is in times like these that we should be proactive in pursuing the disciplines of prayer, Bible reading, meditation, evangelism, and serving others.

The end goal of the Christian life is to become the person that God wants us to be. We do this by allowing his vision, mission, purpose, and goals to shape our lives. Spiritual discipline is the training that helps to shape and mould our character over time, as Paul referred to in 1 Corinthians 9:25. 

Join us every Saturday in October as we explore how to be disciplined in our daily walk with God.


Morning Programme


02 October

Sermon Topic: Run or Retreat

Summary: How is victory won through defeat or the eternal crown gained through the burden of the cross? 

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 

Speaker: Pastor Andrew Cudjoe

09 October

Sermon Topic: Pray or Prey

Summary: The Christian journey can be challenging – even Jesus was tested. In his humanity, He was led by the Spirit to face one of the greatest test of his life – His faithfulness to His Father. What lessons can we learn from how He chose to deal with His time of testing? 

Scripture: Matthew 4:1-2 

Speaker: Sophia Peart

16 October


Sermon Topic: Godliness or Old Wives’ Tales

Summary: People tend to listen more to old wives’ tales than follow ‘thus said the Lord’. As Christians, if we want to grow and become like Christ, we need to know and live out His word. How can we discipline ourselves to follow this path? 

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:7-8

Guest Speaker: Dr Steve Carrow

23 October


Sermon Topic: Conform or Transform

Summary: In Romans, we are warned about being conformed to this world and instead called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. But what stops us from truly allowing this process? How can we make the change?

Scripture: John 4:10

Speakers: Siann Millanaise & Team

30 October


Theme: Sing the Story of the Gospel Message

Summary: Music plays a vital role in spirituality and worship. The Psalms calls us to come before his presence with singing and into his courts with praise. Worship with the Croydon Gospel Choir and be lifted to heaven in music and the spoken word.   

Presenters: Croydon SDA Gospel Choir 

Evening Programme

30 October | 6:30PM (BST) Advent Songs Vol. II Gospel Choir Concert

Join us for an evening of music intertwined with spoken scriptural word. Advent Songs is a best selling recording project.  With over 1,000 views per day on the video version on YouTube,  all the songs speak on the theme of the hope of heaven and looking forward to experiencing eternal joy and life. The songs are arranged in different genres with rich instrumentation. It’s a truly heavenly collection of songs.