Event details
- Saturday | 24/06/2023
- 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
- Watch online or visit Croydon SDA Church, 95 Selhurst Road, South Norwood, London, SE25 6LH, UK
Addiction goes beyond drugs, alcohol and other vices. It can plague us in many other ways too. Many Christians have an addiction that we are unaware of. No matter how we are pray, fast, and read scripture, pride has infested many of us. Often, as Christians we do not recognise that our actions and attitude are bordering on sinful pride. We think and act in ways that show us better than God and/or the people around us.
Join us this June as we examine the addictive effect of pride and how we can get rid of the hold it has on us.
Sermon Topic: The Dangers of Pride
Speaker: Pastor Royston Smith
Summary: Lucifer was created by God. He had power, position, and prestige. Still, he wasn’t satisfied and want more; he wanted to be God. Pride entered his heart and the rest is history. This message explores the eternal consequences of pride.
Sermon Topic: Praise Is Enough
Speaker: Pastor Jesse Samuel
Summary: The people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir colluded to fight against Jehosaphat and God’s people. Filled with pride, they assumed they would overcome God’s people. Jehosaphat called on the Lord and fought the enemy with praise to God (2 Chronicles 20:21–24). Learn how Spirit-filled praise can be used to overcome unhealthy pride.
Sermon Topic: Sanctified Pride
Speaker: Pastor Royston Smith
Summary: Simon was so full of himself that he questioned Jesus’ acceptance of a stained woman. He forgot to take the beam out of his own eyes before seeking to remove the speck from hers.
Sermonette Topic: The Stupidity of Pride
Speakers: Elio Vinoles, Elder Claudia Panaitescu & Sapphire Gordon
Summary: Samson was so strong that he forgot the source of his strength. He was so consumed by pride that he lost his strength, his sight and freedom. How does our strength become a blessing rather than a burden and keep us connected to Him?
The Bible must be read, understood, lived, and shared. How do you do that with family and friends in a non-threatening way? Join us in person for this simple but profound way by use of the Discovery Bible Study Program.
If you’ve never had real challenges, this programme is not for you. Maybe you know someone who has. Join us as we take the journey through the tough times to a life of praise , enjoying beautiful music along the way. Praise God in the good times or bad..because praise is what we do.
Venue: Church Sanctuary & online
The Sabbath School team is inviting you to join them in Streatham Common Park to study the Sabbath School Quarterly for the week ahead, weather permitting. Learn more
Venue: Streatham Common Play Ground
Got questions about diet, lifestyle diseases, or stress? Why not join our friendly lifestyle doctor, Dr Chidi as he shares expert advice, busts medical myths, and discusses natural healing, all based on your questions which you can submit in advance. Learn more
Venue: Church Sanctuary & Online