By Jenniffer Mann
Living in a cottage, we suffer dreadfully with the heat during the summer. At times, I found myself likening the experience to sitting in a sauna for extended periods, with little respite. During the winter, you would be forgiven for thinking that we retain heat but the reverse is actually true. Winter in the cottage can be harsh and so preparation is key!
Being the typical city girl, when I first moved to the country, I was like a fish out of water. If I wanted heat in my London flat, I would simply switch on the thermostat. Expecting the same once I moved, I was perplexed when I switched on the thermostat and found myself still shivering 40 minutes later. Clearly it was broken and I was far from impressed, or so I thought. When Phil came home later that day with a large bag of wood, my brow furrowed as I saw him deposit chunks into the (what I thought was decorative) wood burner.
Clearly tickled by my lack of understanding, Phil explained that the cottage in fact has a large oil tank to the exterior of the property. In order to have a constant supply of heat we need to search for the most competitive prices to purchase the oil and arrange for a tanker to deliver and refill the tank. As time went on, I learnt the hard way the cost of not forward thinking and arranging deliveries in advance. Although the wood burner is a wonderful addition and I’ve dozed on the rug in front of it on occasion, that hasn’t saved me from near frost bite, needing to venture through other parts of the cottage if there’s no heating. There has been many a morning when a tentative toe out the duvet diminished the urgency to visit the bathroom!
Each year, right about this time when I turn my mind to purchasing oil, I’m reminded of the parable Jesus told about the 10 virgins. In Matthew 25:1-13 we read:
“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of the virgins were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish ones took their lamps, they did not take extra olive oil with them. But the wise ones took flasks of olive oil with their lamps. When the bridegroom was delayed a long time, they all became drowsy and fell asleep. But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Look, the bridegroom is here! Come out to meet him.’ Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.’ ‘No,’ they replied. ‘There won’t be enough for you and for us. Go instead to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ But while they had gone to buy it, the bridegroom arrived, and those who were ready went inside with him to the wedding banquet. Then the door was shut. Later, the other virgins came too, saying, ‘Lord, lord! Let us in!’ But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I do not know you!’ Therefore, stay alert because you do not know the day or the hour.”
There has been many an in-depth expository on the meaning of this parable but in essence, Jesus was depicting the importance of being prepared for His second coming. Only five of the bridesmaids prepared by carrying additional oil. Much in the same way I need to prepare in advance and have oil in the tank for the winter months. It’s not good enough that I know about the oil. If I don’t take practical steps to have the tank filled up, my knowledge serves little purpose. The five wise virgins, because of their preparation, got to experience all the joys of the wedding celebration. In reading the parable today, they represent those that have a personal relationship with Jesus and are actively preparing for His second coming. They will get to experience the joy of an eternity in heaven with Jesus. The fate of the five bridesmaids who neglected to prepare, was sealed when they failed to plan. The door to the celebrations was closed and they missed out!
Jesus uses this parable to warn us against the peril of not being prepared for His second coming. Just like no one knew the hour of the bridegroom’s arrival, we don’t know the day or hour of Jesus’ return but the bible equips us with all we need to prepare. It doesn’t matter how much knowledge we have however, if we are frittering away our time and not living practical, Christ centred lives.
The foolish bridesmaids must have been crushed to be told, ‘I do not know you!’ Although they looked the part and gave the appearance of being ready, their failure to prepare was their ultimate downfall. How many respectable, highly regarded, circumspect church members, will be told, ‘I don’t know you!’
As we go through this week, regardless of you being in or out of the church, examine where you stand with Jesus and ask yourself, would I be ready if he came to today. How does your life reflect the knowledge that you have? Is it purely academic? Some of us plan out our lives in great detail. The next house, renovation, baby, wedding, car, career move, partner but where does Jesus fit into your everyday?
How are you preparing for His return?
Let’s Pray
Dear Jesus, I want nothing more than to spend eternity with you. Please reveal to me all the ways that I am neglecting you. Let me be guided by your word, so that I can prepare for your return. Not tomorrow, or next week, or next year but now! Please be the heart of my plans and be with me in the week ahead. I ask this humble prayer in your sweet and precious name. Amen
JG says:
26/09/2020 at 1:11 pmThank you Jenniffer for setting us on the path of self-reflection.
Karen says:
28/09/2020 at 8:20 amThanks for this timely reminder Jen. Lord, please help me to be ready.