By Pastor Royston Smith.
No one else was born this way. No other youth experienced life this way. He was the only adult who lived like that. His temptation was unique, yes, very different. His was a life of complete obedience. His prayers were effective and powerful. His teachings were amazing and tender. He calmed seas, raised the dead and transformed lives like no one else could. He fed the crowd, forgave sins, and unclogged the ears of the deaf. His death was distressing, but his resurrection was glorious. No one ever ascended into heaven like he did, no one will ever judge the world like he will. He will return to claim his people and reign in glory. Who was/is this man? Jesus-there’s just something about that name.
The name of Jesus speaks reassurance.
The name of Jesus is restorative.
The name of Jesus spells redemption.
What made the life of Jesus so reassuring, his ministry so restoring and redeemable? Was it the fact that he was divinity clothed in humanity? What about the fact that he prayed and fasted? Understand, that there were many who lived a similar pious lifestyle. Yet, none was able to unlatch his shoe. His knowledge of the scripture is unmatched and unparalleled. Was that the secret?
The Message Bible Acts 10:37-38, “You know the story of what happened in Judea. It began in Galilee after John preached about a total life-change. Then Jesus arrived from Nazareth, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit, ready for action. He went through the country helping people and healing everyone who was beaten down by the Devil. He was able to do all this because God was with him.”
From conception to youth his life was covered by the Holy Spirit. From youth to his baptism his life choices were guided by the Holy Spirit. From baptism to crucifixion, resurrection to ascension, his life was anointed by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ constant companion and best friend was the Holy Spirit. They were inseparable.
Inspired writer E.G. White said, “Morning by morning he communicates with his Father in heaven, receiving from him daily, a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus, our example, consecrated and anointed by the Holy Spirit; daily, sought a fresh outpouring. If Jesus needed daily refreshing and consecrating of the Holy Spirit, how much more important is it for you and me?
The Holy Spirit is the remedy, he is the only hope, for any dead, dormant or divided relationship. He brings healing for any disconnected, distant and detached person. He is he only one who can lead us to a life of power and fulfilment. He is the answer to the world’s challenges.
With the Holy Spirit, comes peace and power.
He emboldens us to face temptation and become a champion for God. Armed with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs we will face the devil’s attacks as he tries to steal, kill and destroy.
What is the Holy Spirit to you? How close are you to Him? Have you been anointed by Him?
Are you on God’s highway of holiness? When you are consecrated by the Spirit of God, favour is placed upon your life. Thus, God opens doors and opportunities that no one can shut. You are placed in spaces you never expected to be. God’s favour set you in positions that you thought were out of reach. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, God’s will and purpose will ignite and fan flames of peace, contentment, and fulfilment into your life.
Get to know Him today.