The nomination process has now closed. We want to thank those of you who participated. The following people have received the most votes and have agreed to sit on the Nominating Committee: 

These names were presented to the church as the 2021 Nominating Committee on Sabbath, 9 October to be formally voted in.  (If there are any objections to the committee membership, please express your concerns by contacting Pastor Royston or Pastor Andrew.)

The Nominating Committee

The nominating committee is responsible for electing officers for service in our church. At Croydon each officer serves for 2 years. Shortly after its appointment, the committee will be called into session by the chairperson (resident pastor). At the first meeting, each committee member will be briefed about confidentiality and the committee’s responsibility.

The committee will spend time in prayer, asking for God’s leading and wisdom as they work together to choose the leadership for the church. During this time, the committee will review the church’s mission and how the various ministries work to serve the community. This will help the committee determine which offices are needed to carry out the church’s mission.

Eligibility to be on the Nominating Committee